Day 1:

Taiwan trip 7

Beautiful sunset taken from the plane.

We arrived at Kaoshiung at around 7pm at night. Our tour group of over 20 persons are made of mostly of kids (Thanks to my aunt, Lol) and 2 tour guides (one from Malaysia and one local to Taiwan). Straight off the plane, we boarded a bus to the first destination of the night which is Kaoshiung night market. My camera was still sound asleep in my backpack so there wasn’t any notable photos of this place. Another problem which I faced was the language barrier. Being a banana, I wasn’t able to read anything written on the stall boards and ended up wondering what those things were. One particular funny moment was during dinner when my parents ordered something from the selection on displayed. I thought it looked like silkworms and told everyone about it. Noone knew what it was and in the end that dish was the less eaten dish of the night. It wasn’t until when we left that I ask the waitress what it was. Turns out it was one of my favorite dish, crab meat. Lol. ROTFLMAO. We checked in into on nice hotel somewhere in Kaoshiung city. Everyone was tired after the plane flight and slept quite early as we had an early morning bus the next day.

Day 2:

We had one of the best vegetarian breakfast ever in the hotel restaurant. I fell in love with the egg buns. It was just so tasty till I took almost 5 in one go. Anyway, the other food was good as well. We then boarded the bus and headed off to Kenting. Kenting is found in the southern most part of Taiwan. And it was freaking hot.

The first destination is Kenting Marine Museum. I had a great time knowing that the Great white whales are actually land animals before this, which given the harsh environment of living, went into the sea and gradually evolve into the Whales. Amazing right. Perhaps human were also like that once. Perhaps we were once birds which gave away their wings for hands and became the monkeys and eventually learned to stand up and become humans.


Family photo in front of the museum.

Blog 1

Blog 2

Blog 3

Blog 4

Blog 5

How the land animals become sea animals

Taiwan trip 1

Taiwan trip 2

Taking photos of fishes through the glass was quite challenging, first time use of a polarizer.

Taiwan trip 6

I love watching the penguins in action here.

Taiwan trip 3

The marlin fish in front of the museum (Someone said it looked so real as if it just jumped out of the water)

Taiwan trip 4

View outside the museum

After the museum, we had lunch and later on went to the southern-most tip of Taiwan, called cat-whiskers cause it looks like the whiskers of the cat. A scenic location just perfect for photography and I just snapped my heart out.

Taiwan trip 5

Taiwan trip 8

Taiwan trip 11

Taiwan trip 12

The scenic view from cliffs

Taiwan trip 9

The cat’s whiskers

We then made a trip to the local bird observatory which unfortunately was closed for renovations. –.-‘’’ After that we visited this building which was used in the filming of one series I think.

Blog 6

The ancient looking building. It was said that in the older days people tried to climb this building from the poles and those who succeeded will gain fame and prosperity or something of that sort.

After that we visited a place where fire seem to come out from the ground, literally. It was amusing cause tourist come to look at stuff like this. The tour guide even bought a pack of popcorn for us to cook.


My cousin popping the popcorn.

What’s more amusing is that some locals actually set up stalls on the site to sell baked potatoes.

Blog 7

The lady is running her own business here.


My sister with the sign of the site

After that we managed to check into the hotel and I managed to take a few shots of the sunset from the hotel corridor.

Taiwan trip 13

Amazing sunset.

At night, after dinner, we didn’t really have much activity beside visiting the local night market. Again bought quite a number of local delicacies. I started to wonder how much weight I would gain by the time the trip is over.